Here's a painting guide from the Hat
Industries site:
Painting guide - By Ted Schulz; All
colors are Testors unless otherwise stated.
coat, collar -- sea blue 1172
pants -- dark earth 2054
coat front, belt, straps, gloves, cuffs
– white
OFFICER (epaulettes, tassle, hat top),
buttons, belt buckle, strap buckle, scabbard, sword handle -- gold
hat, boots, collar center, pouch --
epaulettes & tassle -- mixed orange
hair, gun -- brown ital. dark 2111
gun barrel -- gun metal 1795
face -- flesh
chin strap, hat right side tassle,
pouch emblem--gold
plume, coat trim, hat top -- red 1150
sword – steel
blanket & roll -- sea blue 1172
blanket & roll trim -- mixed orange
roll top -- red 1150 & white
saddle -- leather 1736
straps -- black
bit -- steel
buttons -- brass
base -- green 2029
And here are some reference art work:
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